Sunday, May 17, 2009


We had a lot of fun at the park today.  The food was great and the weather was really nice.

Catching Up

wow it has been a long time since I have posted anything.  Well a lot has happened since I posted.  We are almost done with our softball season.  One season game to go and then the playoffs.  In our first game one of our teammates broke his leg in three places while sliding into third.  He had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance.  Some of our pee wee kids were there and were afraid to slide in their next games, their parents were able to talk to them and are now back to sliding.  Lesson here: don't slide into third when it has been a long time since you have slid or don't know how.  Poor Mike.  He is doing much better now, but his softball days are probably over.

We have lost all of our games, but have a lot of hope for our next one.  Even though we have lost we have played really well.  Our last two games I have played third base, what a change from the outfield.  I like it better out there. lol, but at least I haven't gotten hit with the ball **knock on wood**

I didn't play too well in our last game since I have bronchitis. 

Summer is almost here and Dante will be coming back next weekend.  We are pretty excited to see him and David is starting to plan all of the things we are going to do with him this summer.  Hopefully he will get to spend some time in Dallas too.

My friends Evi and Michelle had their twin boys on April 16th. Marcos and Andres are finally here and sooo CUTE!! I haven't gotten to see them since after they came home from the hospital since I have been sick.

Today we are going to have a cook out at the park since we now have a sunny day!  It has been raining a lot so we are going to take advantage of the nice weather.  My goal will be to post pics of that later. haha hopefully I will.

Lots more has happened, but I can't remember all of it so as I remember I will post more on here.