Monday, February 2, 2009

Getting On Board

Well I see that a few of my family members are starting blogs and thought it would be a good way for people to keep up with me. Also a good way for me to keep up with me, I always forget events that happen when it has been a while.

I have been living in Texas for just about nine years now and I LOVE it here! I do miss the mountains and getting to see family all of the time, but I don't think I could live in the snow anymore.

I would have to say the biggest thing going on for me right now is my right elbow. I broke it when I was two and had to have two surgeries done on it. Within the past few years it has been starting to hurt and last year I got it evaluated. I found out that I have arthritis, bone spurs, bone fragments floating around and the ends of my bones didn't form all of the way. My arm hurts worse when it is cold or if I am doing heavy and repetitive movements. The doctor did say that a surgery to clean out the joint would probably help.

I am working in a physical therapy office with a chiropractor and a massage therapist and I love it! Chiropractic has really helped me and wish that I would have been introduced to it sooner.

Well that is all I have for today.


  1. Sorry to hear about your elbow!!!! Glad to see you have a blog!!

  2. :) thanks it seems to bother me most in the cold or when I use it a lot one of the docs that I work with is going to get me some patches to help with inflammation
